Lindsay's Sounds

just click on the link below to here it.
you need realplayer5.0 or realplayerG2
here's the new file:
Lindsay Lohan interview
More coming soon.

here clips off the parent trap soundtrack
these you can just click on
Select a track to hear a sample.

1. L-O-V-E
2. Do You Believe In Magic
3. There She Goes
4. Top Of The World
5. Here Comes The Sun
6. I Love You For Sentimental
7. Soulful Strut
8  . Never Let You Go
9  . Bad To The Bone
10. The Happy Club
11. The Parent Trap Suite
12. This Will Be
13. Dream Come True
14. Groovin
15. Let's Get Together
thanks to for providing the sounds.

download a realplayer for free here

Problems? email me with any problems.